New creative vibes label, INQUIRING, introduced by "THE PRIMAL BUILD," a creative circle who share uniformed
frequencies in Tokyo and everywhere around the world.
The concept is "Progressive Expression".
Everything that has happened inspires us in any given moment. Our role is to be fully aware so that it can pass
through our sensitivity. Symbolic INQUIRING square window logo is imaged as a widow of expression, a monitor
(1.85:1 VISTA VISION), and WEB screen and we express many pieces of images and designs, and happenings
through the window.
In order to produce our concept, "Progressive Expression", all INQUIRING products are equipped with NFC (Near
field communication) in the label tag.
NFC chip has been around for 10 years as a handy technology in the use of IC card and any distribution systems
in Hong Kong and Japan. By the evolution of the readers and devices, NFC has become a more useful gadget to
exchange/receive data.
Perhaps INQUIRING is the first clothing collective to be equipped with NFC for a very personal use. We hope that
our products with innovative technology from TOKYO are utilize by edgy people in every scene in the world to
open their minds to more and better progressive expression.
Every NFC in INQUIRING products has the URL ( pre-installed and the website
gets updated with new designs, images, music and information from THE PRIMAL BUILD.
*Install any data to INQUIRING NFC.
INQUIRING を手がけるのは東京を中心に世界各国のフリークエンシーを持つ人々の集まり「THE PRIMAL BUILD」
INQUIRING のコンセプトは’表現の連鎖’。人は常にありとあらゆる物や出来事、人に影響を受けています。
INQUIRING の象徴的とも言えるWINDOW ロゴは、表現の窓、モニター(1.85:1 VISTA VISION)、WEB の
スクリーンをイメージし、このWINDOW から様々な出来事やデザインが表現されていきます。
'表現の連鎖’を創り出すために、INQUIRING の全製品にはレーベルタグの中に近距離無線通信チップ、
NFC(Near field communication) が搭載されています。
NFC は10 年以上前から日本、香港での乗車IC カードや物流関係で使用されていた技術であり、昨今ではその
リーダー側のデバイスの進化により、あらゆる端末でNFC を介してリンクや情報をインプット、アウトプット
おそらく個人での所有用途ではNFC 搭載のウェアはINQUIRING シリーズが初めてであり、このイノベーティブ